Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Do you realize that you can't play the game of life with sweaty palms?"

Although I succumb to the validity found in this quote, when it comes to my own life, I believe differently. Playing the game of life could be rather difficult with sweaty palms, yes. Grabbing hold of the bull horns and overcoming defeat till the game is over would be near impossible with moist hands. Sweaty pits, sweaty tooshy, sweaty everything...the more the better I say. Even with these challenges. It's a physical sign of endurance, determination, and strength. Smelling worse than farts, who cares? I don't. And I know you wouldn't either if everyone else didn't care. This is not to offend. There are tons of things I care too much about. But sweating is not one of them. I know that sweating and smelling do not always go hand in hand, but for those who do experience this hand in hand action, I write to you. It is not something we can always control, unless we limit ourselves to participating in activities that we know would not bring the moisture. However, that would erase most of the things I find joy in. Just to name a few: jumping for joy, running instead of walking up the stairs (due to excitement, or fear), and laughing hysterically...don't judge. I sweat. And I sweat because I am full heartily playing the game of life. And I smell because of it more often than not. I know deodorant and perfumes aid in this area, but deodorant sweats off and perfume doesn't last. So when, my friends, will it be accepted to smell when you have clearly been sweating bullets. I ask you sincerely. The world would be a happier place if the anxiety of having smelly swits and swass was eliminated.

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