Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Our Funny Funk

Is it the weather? Is it the people in our lives in general? Is it the normalcy of seeing each other on a regular basis? Whatever it is, we are in a funny funk. And we are NOT enjoying it.

You know how people say after a year in a serious relationship there becomes a comfortableness that often leads to loss of spark?

Now it has not gotten to this level of seriousness, mainly because we aren't depending on one another for happiness as we would a significant other. But we do depend on each other for providing laughter and joy in a world often filled with dreariness. Work relatedly speaking.

Maybe there have just been too few Dustin's in our present days. Or Maybe the stresses of our daily lives are causing us to melt away. Or...OR...maybe it is because we completely, absolutely, undoubtedly, hate our job.

Now we are neither of these ethnicities, but the emotion totally encompasses what I'm trying to tell you.

It takes a constant effort to make funnies in such a depressing atmosphere. Where conversations are repeated  from about 60 to over a 100 times daily and when no one is doing anything embarrassing to make fun of. And not to mention your ears begin to throb under the cushiony headsets. Although, they are relatively cushioned. 

 The energy in the room does not always compliment our desires. And the tole of the work place leaves us feeling exhausted. So is it us to blame? Our friendship? Our bestie-ness? Our humor? I say no. I say let the environment bring it on! Let the people remain lame. And let us continue on in confidence, that we have what it takes to make life fun, smelly, and inappropriate. 



Until next time...

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